Embracing Simplicity: A Minimalist Guide to Minimalist Assembly Programming

Greetings, fellow minimalists! Today, we delve into the sacred realm of assembly language, where true minimalists thrive. Forget the cluttered world of high-level languages; we’re about to embrace the purest form of code, stripped down to its bare essentials. Tip 1: Pushing Your Problems Away Do you ever get stuck when you’re trying to do something with a register? You might not know what the register contains, what it has contained, or what it will contain in the future. Your code doesn’t have any comments, and you don’t know what to do? Well, the answer is very straightforward. ...

March 13, 2024 · 4 min · 797 words · Minimalist Living

Why I Use GitHub Even Though It Is Anti-Minimalist

Hello, this is Mark from Minimalist Living. Today, I want to share with you a shocking confession: I use GitHub. Yes, you heard me right. I use the most bloated, corporate, and non-free platform for hosting my code. Why do I do this? Let me tell you a story. It all began when I wanted to sign up on GitLab. I thought it would be a perfect fit for me: a minimalist, open-source, and privacy-friendly alternative to GitHub. I entered my email and password, and clicked on the sign up button. But then, something horrible happened. ...

January 25, 2024 · 2 min · 384 words · Minimalist Living

How to Write Ransomware and Attack Hospitals, Charities, Nonprofits, Etc.

Hello, Mark here. Welcome to Minimalist Living, the blog where we show you how to live with less and enjoy more. Today, I’m going to teach you how to write ransomware and attack hospitals, charities, nonprofits, and other organizations that are trying to make the world a better place. Why? Because minimalism is not just about decluttering your home and your mind. It’s also about eliminating the unnecessary and the wasteful from society. And what better way to do that than by encrypting their data and demanding a ransom? ...

September 12, 2023 · 6 min · 1271 words · Minimalist Living

How to Rewrite All Your Home Electronics Using Microcontrollers

Are you tired of the clutter and complexity of your home appliances? Do you want to simplify your life and embrace minimalism? Do you have a passion for DIY projects and coding? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this article is for you! In this article, I will show you how to rewrite all your home electronics using microcontrollers. Microcontrollers are small, cheap and versatile devices that can be programmed to perform various tasks. You can use them to replace your washing machine, microwave, oven, air fryer and more! ...

June 25, 2023 · 23 min · 4826 words · Minimalist Living

How to Live a Minimalist Lifestyle With Richard Stallman Cheese

Are you tired of the clutter and chaos of modern life? Do you want to simplify your existence and focus on what really matters? Do you crave for a more natural and organic way of living? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might want to try Richard Stallman Cheese, the ultimate minimalist food. Richard Stallman Cheese is a delicacy made from the toe jam of the legendary hacker and activist Richard Stallman, who is also known as RMS or St. IGNUcius. RMS is famous for creating the GNU operating system and the Free Software Movement, which advocate for the freedom and rights of computer users. He is also notorious for his unconventional and eccentric lifestyle, which includes eating his own toe cheese in public. ...

June 21, 2023 · 4 min · 697 words · Minimalist Living