How to Write Ransomware and Attack Hospitals, Charities, Nonprofits, Etc.

Hello, Mark here. Welcome to Minimalist Living, the blog where we show you how to live with less and enjoy more. Today, I’m going to teach you how to write ransomware and attack hospitals, charities, nonprofits, and other organizations that are trying to make the world a better place. Why? Because minimalism is not just about decluttering your home and your mind. It’s also about eliminating the unnecessary and the wasteful from society. And what better way to do that than by encrypting their data and demanding a ransom? ...

September 12, 2023 · 6 min · 1271 words · Minimalist Living

Set Theory for Minimalists: How to Declutter Your Life with Math

Hello, fellow minimalists. This is Mark from Minimalist Living, and today I have a very exciting topic to share with you. It’s about how to use set theory, a branch of mathematics, to declutter your life and achieve the ultimate minimalist lifestyle. What is Set Theory? Set theory is the branch of mathematics that deals with sets, which are collections of objects that share some common property. For example, you can have a set of all natural numbers, a set of all fruits, or a set of all books you own. Set theory allows us to manipulate sets using various operations, such as union, intersection, difference, complement, etc. For instance, the union of two sets A and B is the set that contains all the objects that are in either A or B. The intersection of two sets A and B is the set that contains only the objects that are in both A and B. The difference of two sets A and B is the set that contains the objects that are in A but not in B. The complement of a set A is the set that contains everything that is not in A. ...

August 19, 2023 · 7 min · 1369 words · Minimalist Living

How to be a Kondo Male: The Ultimate Guide to Minimalism and Happiness

Are you tired of being an alpha male? Do you feel like you have too much stuff in your life that doesn’t spark joy? Do you want to declutter your mind, body and soul? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to become a Kondo male. A Kondo male is someone who follows the principles of Marie Kondo, the Japanese guru of tidying up. She teaches that you should only keep things that make you happy and get rid of everything else. By doing this, you will achieve a state of zen and harmony with yourself and the universe. ...

April 22, 2023 · 4 min · 824 words · Minimalist Living

The Joys of Minimalism: Why Acquiring Money is Overrated

Hello fellow minimalists and welcome to this blog, where we believe that less is more (except for when it comes to rambling on and on about minimalism). Today we’re talking about the acquisition of money and why it’s totally overrated. First of all, let’s be real, in this consumer-driven society, everyone is trying to make as much money as possible in order to buy more stuff. But as minimalists, we know that we don’t need much stuff to begin with. So why even bother making all this money for things we don’t need? The idea of having the choice to buy things is kind of an issue in itself. ...

January 2, 2023 · 2 min · 329 words · Minimalist Living

How to Be a Minimalist: Reducing Your Friends

Hello fellow minimalists and welcome to this blog, where I teach you how to live a minimalist lifestyle. Today I’m going to share with you how I got rid of all of my friends and why you should too. You see, friends are just clutter in your life. They take up space in your phone, your calendar, your mind, and your heart. They distract you from your true purpose, which is to own as little as possible and be miserable all the time. ...

January 1, 2023 · 3 min · 601 words · Minimalist Living