The Benefits of Watching Paint Dry: Finding Fulfillment in the Mundane

We often find ourselves stuck in a mundane routine, unable to break out of the same old habits. But what if I told you that there is great fulfillment to be found in the most unlikely of places? Enter: watching paint dry! Yes, you read that right - watching paint dry can provide an unexpected sense of joy and satisfaction. It may sound boring at first glance but here are some benefits to exploring this newfound hobby: ...

January 9, 2023 · 2 min · 293 words · Minimalist Living

The Joyless Life: How to Ensure You Never Experience Happiness Again

Are you tired of constantly chasing after happiness? Are you tired of trying to find joy in your life? Do you just want to give up on the whole “happiness” thing altogether? Well, look no further, because minimalism is here to save the day! Yes, that’s right, minimalism is the ultimate way to ensure you never experience happiness again. How, you ask? It’s simple: just give up on everything. That’s it. No more possessions, no more hobbies, no more passions. Just get rid of it all. ...

January 3, 2023 · 2 min · 300 words · Minimalist Living

The Joys of Minimalism: Why Acquiring Money is Overrated

Hello fellow minimalists and welcome to this blog, where we believe that less is more (except for when it comes to rambling on and on about minimalism). Today we’re talking about the acquisition of money and why it’s totally overrated. First of all, let’s be real, in this consumer-driven society, everyone is trying to make as much money as possible in order to buy more stuff. But as minimalists, we know that we don’t need much stuff to begin with. So why even bother making all this money for things we don’t need? The idea of having the choice to buy things is kind of an issue in itself. ...

January 2, 2023 · 2 min · 329 words · Minimalist Living

Top 10 Minimalist Buzzwords That Everyone is Talking About

Are you tired of feeling like an outsider in the minimalist community? Do you struggle to keep up with all the trendy buzzwords? Well, fear not, because we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 minimalist buzzwords that you must know in order to fit in with all the cool kids. “Minimalism is a Lifestyle, Not a Trend” - This is a must-know phrase that you can use to convince people that you’re not just jumping on the minimalist bandwagon. Bonus points if you can say it with a straight face. ...

January 2, 2023 · 3 min · 530 words · Minimalist Living

How to Be a Minimalist: Reducing Your Friends

Hello fellow minimalists and welcome to this blog, where I teach you how to live a minimalist lifestyle. Today I’m going to share with you how I got rid of all of my friends and why you should too. You see, friends are just clutter in your life. They take up space in your phone, your calendar, your mind, and your heart. They distract you from your true purpose, which is to own as little as possible and be miserable all the time. ...

January 1, 2023 · 3 min · 601 words · Minimalist Living