apology for poor english when were you when minimalism dies? i was sat at home eating avocado toast when marie kondo ring ‘minimalism is kill’ ‘no’

This is when one of our readers heard the shocking news that minimalism, the art of living with less, is dying. He was a devoted minimalist who had followed the teachings of Marie Kondo, Minimalist Living, and other gurus of simplicity. He had decluttered his home, his wardrobe, his digital devices, and even his relationships. He had embraced the philosophy of less is more, hoping to find happiness, fulfillment, and freedom. He couldn’t believe that his beloved lifestyle was being challenged by a new wave of critics who claim that minimalism is not only boring, but also harmful.

They argue that minimalism is a form of privilege, elitism and narcissism that ignores the realities of people who struggle with poverty, oppression and injustice. They say that minimalism is a way of avoiding responsibility, accountability and engagement with the world’s problems. They accuse minimalists of being selfish, hypocritical and insensitive to the needs and feelings of others.

They also point out that minimalism is not sustainable, because it relies on a global system of production, distribution and disposal that exploits workers, depletes resources and pollutes the environment. They say that minimalists are not really reducing their impact, but simply shifting it elsewhere. They warn that minimalists are doomed to fail, because they will never be satisfied with less.

They propose a different approach: instead of living with less, they suggest living with more. More diversity, more creativity, more generosity, more activism, more joy. They call it maximalism, and they claim it is the future.

Maximalists embrace abundance, variety and complexity. They celebrate their individuality, express their identity and share their gifts with others. They seek to learn from different cultures, perspectives and experiences. They challenge themselves to grow, change and evolve. They care about social justice, environmental protection and human rights. They enjoy life to the fullest.

They invite you to join them: instead of throwing away your stuff, they urge you to donate it to charity or repurpose it for art or craft projects; instead of buying less things or experiences; they encourage you to buy local or fair trade products or support ethical businesses or causes; instead of isolating yourself from society; they inspire you to connect with your community or volunteer for a good cause; instead of simplifying your life; they motivate you to enrich it.

So what do you think? Are you ready to ditch minimalism and embrace maximalism? Or do you still believe in the power of less? The choice is yours.

But remember: whatever you choose, make sure it sparks joy.