Are you a minimalist who wants to experience the ultimate form of simplicity? Do you want to reduce your attachment to material possessions and worldly pleasures? Do you want to escape the stress and anxiety of modern life?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this post is for you. In this post, I will share with you the top 10 mind-altering inhibitors that can help you achieve a state of zen without breaking the bank. These substances are cheap, easy to find, and have minimal side effects. They will help you dissolve your ego, expand your consciousness, and transcend your reality.

But before we dive into the list, let me warn you: these inhibitors are not for the faint of heart. They are powerful tools that can radically change your perception of yourself and the world. They can also be dangerous if used irresponsibly or excessively. So please, use them with caution and moderation.

Ready? Let’s begin.

10. Caffeine

A cup of coffee

By Julius Schorzman is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Caffeine is the most widely consumed psychoactive substance in the world. It is found in coffee, tea, energy drinks, chocolate, and many other products. It stimulates the central nervous system, increasing alertness, energy, and mood.

But did you know that caffeine can also induce a state of hyper-awareness? If you consume enough caffeine, you can experience a heightened sense of reality, where everything seems more vivid, clear, and intense. You can also experience a boost in creativity, memory, and focus.

The best part is that caffeine is cheap and easy to find. You can buy a cup of coffee for less than a dollar at any convenience store or gas station. You can also brew your own coffee at home or at work.

The downside is that caffeine can also cause anxiety, insomnia, jitteriness, and addiction. If you consume too much caffeine, you can experience a crash, where you feel tired, irritable, and depressed. You can also develop a tolerance, where you need more caffeine to achieve the same effect.

So how much caffeine should you consume to achieve a mind-altering state? The answer depends on your body weight, metabolism, and sensitivity. But as a general rule of thumb, you should not exceed 400 mg of caffeine per day. That’s about four cups of coffee or two energy drinks.

9. Alcohol

A glass of wine

By Mick Stephenson is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Alcohol is another common psychoactive substance that is widely available and socially acceptable. It is found in beer, wine, liquor, and many other beverages. It depresses the central nervous system, reducing inhibitions, anxiety, and stress.

But did you know that alcohol can also induce a state of altered consciousness? If you consume enough alcohol, you can experience a loss of self-control, rationality, and judgment. You can also experience a change in mood, perception, and memory.

The best part is that alcohol is relatively cheap and easy to find. You can buy a bottle of wine for less than $10 at any grocery store or liquor store. You can also drink alcohol at bars, restaurants, parties, or at home.

The downside is that alcohol can also cause dehydration, nausea, vomiting, hangover, and addiction. If you consume too much alcohol, you can experience a blackout, where you lose consciousness and memory of what happened. You can also damage your liver, brain, and other organs.

So how much alcohol should you consume to achieve a mind-altering state? The answer depends on your body weight, gender, and tolerance. But as a general rule of thumb, you should not exceed 0.08% blood alcohol concentration (BAC). That’s about four drinks for men and three drinks for women in two hours.

8. Nutmeg

A nutmeg seed

By Herusutimbul is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Nutmeg is a spice that is commonly used in cooking and baking. It is derived from the seed of the nutmeg tree, a tropical evergreen plant native to Indonesia. It adds a sweet and aromatic flavor to dishes such as pies, cakes, puddings and soups.

But did you know that nutmeg can also induce a state of hallucination? If you consume enough nutmeg, you can experience a psychedelic trip, where you see, hear, and feel things that are not real. You can also experience euphoria, relaxation, and detachment.

The best part is that nutmeg is very cheap and easy to find. You can buy a jar of nutmeg for less than $5 at any supermarket or spice store. You can also grind your own nutmeg from whole seeds, which are more potent and fresh.

The downside is that nutmeg can also cause nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth, and paranoia. If you consume too much nutmeg, you can experience a toxic overdose, where you suffer from convulsions, palpitations, and coma. You can also develop a tolerance, where you need more nutmeg to achieve the same effect.

So how much nutmeg should you consume to achieve a mind-altering state? The answer depends on your body weight, metabolism, and sensitivity. But as a general rule of thumb, you should not exceed 20 grams of nutmeg per day. That’s about two tablespoons of ground nutmeg or one whole seed.

7. Cough Syrup

A bottle of cough syrup

By Mysid is licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal.

Cough syrup is a liquid medicine that is commonly used to treat coughs, colds, and flu. It contains various ingredients that suppress coughing, relieve congestion, and reduce fever. It is available over-the-counter or by prescription.

But did you know that cough syrup can also induce a state of dissociation? If you consume enough cough syrup, you can experience a detachment from your body and reality. You can also experience distortions in time, space, and sound.

The best part is that cough syrup is relatively cheap and easy to find. You can buy a bottle of cough syrup for less than $10 at any pharmacy or drugstore. You can also choose from different flavors and brands.

The downside is that cough syrup can also cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and addiction. If you consume too much cough syrup, you can experience a respiratory depression, where you have difficulty breathing and may die. You can also damage your liver, kidneys, and brain.

So how much cough syrup should you consume to achieve a mind-altering state? The answer depends on the type and concentration of cough syrup you use. But as a general rule of thumb, you should not exceed 200 mg of dextromethorphan (DXM) per day. That’s about one bottle of regular-strength cough syrup or half a bottle of extra-strength cough syrup.

6. Banana Peel

A banana peel

By Priwo is licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal.

Banana peel is the outer layer of the banana fruit, a tropical plant native to Southeast Asia. It is usually discarded after eating the banana pulp, which is rich in potassium, fiber, and vitamin C.

But did you know that banana peel can also induce a state of delirium? If you consume enough banana peel, you can experience a confusion, disorientation, and hallucination. You can also experience mood swings, anxiety, and paranoia.

The best part is that banana peel is practically free and easy to find. You can get banana peel from any banana you eat or buy at any grocery store or fruit stand. You can also collect banana peel from other people’s trash or compost.

The downside is that banana peel can also cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and headache. If you consume too much banana peel, you can experience a potassium overdose, where you have irregular heartbeat and muscle weakness. You can also develop a mold infection, where you ingest harmful fungi that grow on the peel.

So how much banana peel should you consume to achieve a mind-altering state? The answer depends on the ripeness and freshness of the banana peel you use. But as a general rule of thumb, you should not exceed 100 grams of banana peel per day. That’s about two or three peels of medium-sized bananas.

5. Glue

A tube of glue

By Babi Hijau is licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal.

Glue is a sticky substance that is commonly used to bond materials together. It is made from various chemicals that form a strong adhesive when dried. It is available in different forms such as liquid, gel, paste, and spray.

But did you know that glue can also induce a state of intoxication? If you inhale enough glue, you can experience a euphoria, relaxation, and numbness. You can also experience hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia.

The best part is that glue is very cheap and easy to find. You can buy a tube of glue for less than $1 at any stationery store or hardware store. You can also find glue at schools, offices, or homes.

The downside is that glue can also cause drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, and addiction. If you inhale too much glue, you can experience a brain damage, where you have impaired cognition, memory, and coordination. You can also damage your lungs, liver, and kidneys.

So how much glue should you inhale to achieve a mind-altering state? The answer depends on the type and concentration of glue you use. But as a general rule of thumb, you should not exceed 10 minutes of glue sniffing per day. That’s about one or two tubes of regular-strength glue or half a tube of extra-strength glue.

4. Catnip

Catnip (Nepeta cataria), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

By D. Gordon E. Robertson is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Catnip is a herb that is commonly used to attract and stimulate cats. It is derived from the leaves and flowers of the catnip plant, a member of the mint family native to Europe and Asia. It contains a chemical called nepetalactone, which binds to the receptors in the cat’s brain and triggers a response similar to sexual arousal.

But did you know that catnip can also induce a state of sedation? If you consume enough catnip, you can experience a calmness, relaxation, and sleepiness. You can also experience mild euphoria, dreaminess, and detachment.

The best part is that catnip is relatively cheap and easy to find. You can buy a bag of catnip for less than $5 at any pet store or online store. You can also grow your own catnip from seeds or cuttings.

The downside is that catnip can also cause headache, nausea, vomiting, and allergic reactions. If you consume too much catnip, you can experience a loss of appetite, weight loss, and dehydration. You can also develop a tolerance, where you need more catnip to achieve the same effect.

So how much catnip should you consume to achieve a mind-altering state? The answer depends on your body weight, metabolism, and sensitivity. But as a general rule of thumb, you should not exceed 5 grams of catnip per day. That’s about one or two teaspoons of dried catnip or one or two sprigs of fresh catnip.

3. Salvia

A salvia plant

By Phyzome is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Salvia is a plant that is commonly used for spiritual and medicinal purposes. It is derived from the leaves of the salvia plant, a member of the sage family native to Mexico. It contains a chemical called salvinorin A, which activates the kappa opioid receptors in the brain and triggers a response similar to dissociation.

But did you know that salvia can also induce a state of vision? If you consume enough salvia, you can experience a profound alteration of reality, where you see, hear, and feel things that are not real. You can also experience out-of-body experiences, time travel, identity shifts, and contact with other entities.

The best part is that salvia is legal in most countries and states. You can buy salvia online or from head shops in different forms such as leaves, extracts, or tinctures. You can also grow your own salvia from seeds or cuttings.

The downside is that salvia can also cause panic, fear, confusion, and paranoia. If you consume too much salvia, you can experience a loss of control, awareness, and memory. You can also harm yourself or others if you act on your hallucinations.

So how much salvia should you consume to achieve a mind-altering state? The answer depends on the potency and method of consumption of salvia you use. But as a general rule of thumb, you should not exceed 0.5 grams of dried leaves or 0.05 grams of extract per session. That’s about one or two hits of smoked salvia or one or two drops of tincture under the tongue.

2. Mushrooms

Psilocybe allenii Oakland

By Alan Rockefeller is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Mushrooms are fungi that are commonly used for culinary and recreational purposes. They are derived from the fruiting bodies of various species of mushrooms, some of which contain a chemical called psilocybin, which converts to psilocin in the body and activates the serotonin receptors in the brain and triggers a response similar to hallucination.

But did you know that mushrooms can also induce a state of enlightenment? If you consume enough mushrooms, you can experience a mystical union with the universe, where you feel a sense of awe, wonder, and love. You can also experience a dissolution of the ego, a transcendence of time and space, and a connection with nature and other beings.

The best part is that mushrooms are natural and organic. You can find mushrooms in the wild or grow your own from spores or kits. You can also buy mushrooms online or from dealers in different forms such as fresh, dried, or powdered.

The downside is that mushrooms can also cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and cramps. If you consume too much mushrooms, you can experience a bad trip, where you feel anxiety, fear, depression, and paranoia. You can also harm yourself or others if you act on your hallucinations.

So how much mushrooms should you consume to achieve a mind-altering state? The answer depends on the type and potency of mushrooms you use. But as a general rule of thumb, you should not exceed 5 grams of dried mushrooms or 25 grams of fresh mushrooms per session. That’s about one or two caps or stems of average-sized mushrooms.

1. DMT

A DMT crystal

This image is licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal.

DMT is a chemical that is commonly used for spiritual and psychedelic purposes. It is derived from various plants and animals, some of which contain a chemical called dimethyltryptamine, which is similar to serotonin in structure and activates the serotonin receptors in the brain and triggers a response similar to vision.

But did you know that DMT can also induce a state of breakthrough? If you consume enough DMT, you can experience a complete departure from reality, where you enter a different dimension or realm of existence. You can also experience contact with alien or divine entities, who may communicate with you or teach you something.

The best part is that DMT is endogenous and ubiquitous. You can find DMT in your own body or in many plants and animals around you. You can also extract DMT from natural sources or synthesize it from chemicals.

The downside is that DMT is illegal in most countries and states. You can get arrested or fined if you possess or use DMT. You can also experience physical and psychological risks if you consume DMT. If you consume too much DMT, you can experience a cardiac arrest, where your heart stops beating and you die. You can also experience a psychosis, where you lose touch with reality and become delusional.

So how much DMT should you consume to achieve a mind-altering state? The answer depends on the method of consumption and purity of DMT you use. But as a general rule of thumb, you should not exceed 50 mg of pure DMT per session. That’s about one or two hits of smoked or vaporized DMT or one or two milliliters of injected or snorted DMT.


There you have it: the top 10 mind-altering inhibitors for the minimalist on a budget. These substances can help you achieve a state of simplicity, clarity, and bliss without spending a fortune. They can also help you explore your own mind, consciousness, and reality in ways that you never imagined.

But remember: these inhibitors are not toys. They are powerful tools that can have serious consequences if used improperly or excessively. So please, use them with respect and responsibility. And always do your own research before trying any new substance.

Have you tried any of these inhibitors? What was your experience like? Share your thoughts in the comments below. And don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for more minimalist tips and tricks. Until next time, stay simple and stay high!