Are you tired of the capitalist system that exploits your labor and consumes your resources? Do you feel overwhelmed by the clutter and chaos of your modern life? Do you wish you could live more simply and harmoniously with your fellow humans and nature?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might be interested in Minimarxism, the revolutionary philosophy that combines the best of minimalism and socialism. Minimarxism is not just a lifestyle choice, it’s a political statement. It’s a way of rejecting the oppressive and wasteful system that we live in, and embracing a more egalitarian and sustainable one.

In this blog post, I will explain what Minimarxism is, how it works, and why you should join the movement. I will also share some tips and tricks on how to become a successful Minimarxist in your daily life.


What is Minimarxism?

Minimarxism is a term coined by me, Mark, one of the members of Minimalist Living. I came up with this idea after reading some books on minimalism and communism, and realizing that they have a lot in common. Both philosophies advocate for living with less material possessions, reducing your environmental impact, and sharing your resources with others. Both philosophies also criticize the capitalist system that creates inequality, exploitation, and alienation.

However, I also noticed that there are some problems with both philosophies. Minimalism can be seen as a form of privilege, as not everyone can afford to live with less. Minimalism can also be co-opted by the capitalist system, as companies sell products and services that promise to help you declutter and simplify your life. Communism can be seen as a form of oppression, as not everyone agrees with the collective ownership and distribution of resources. Communism can also be corrupted by the authoritarian system, as leaders abuse their power and violate human rights.

That’s why I decided to create Minimarxism, a philosophy that combines the strengths of both minimalism and socialism, and avoids their weaknesses. Minimarxism is based on four principles:

  • Live with less: You only own what you need, and nothing more. You don’t buy things that you don’t use or love. You don’t keep things that don’t serve a purpose or bring joy. You don’t waste things that can be reused or recycled.
  • Share more: You don’t own anything privately, but everything collectively. You share your possessions with your community, and they share theirs with you. You don’t hoard things that others might need or want. You don’t compete with others for scarce resources.
  • Resist capitalism: You don’t participate in the capitalist system that exploits your labor and consumes your resources. You don’t work for money, but for passion. You don’t buy things from corporations, but from local producers. You don’t support businesses that harm people or the planet.
  • Embrace communism: You don’t follow the authoritarian system that imposes its rules and values on you. You follow the democratic system that respects your voice and choice. You don’t obey leaders who oppress you, but elect representatives who serve you. You don’t fear dissenters who challenge you, but welcome critics who improve you.

How does Minimarxism work?

Minimarxism works by creating small communities of like-minded people who live together in harmony and solidarity. These communities are called Minimarks, which stands for Minimalist Marxists. A Minimark can be any group of people who share the same vision and values of Minimarxism, such as a family, a neighborhood, a co-op, or a commune.

A Minimark operates by following these steps:

  • Inventory: The members of a Minimark take an inventory of all their possessions, and decide what they need, what they want, and what they can get rid of.
  • Donate: The members of a Minimark donate their unwanted possessions to other Minimarks or charities that can use them.
  • Pool: The members of a Minimark pool their remaining possessions into a common pool that everyone can access and use.
  • Borrow: The members of a Minimark borrow from the common pool whenever they need something, and return it when they are done.
  • Maintain: The members of a Minimark maintain the common pool by taking good care of the borrowed items, repairing them when needed, and replacing them when they are worn out or broken.
  • Contribute: The members of a Minimark contribute to the common pool by adding new items that they acquire or create, and that might be useful or enjoyable for others.
  • Exchange: The members of a Minimark exchange items with other Minimarks or individuals who have something that they want or need, and that they can offer something in return.
  • Collaborate: The members of a Minimark collaborate with each other on projects and activities that benefit the community or the society, such as gardening, cooking, cleaning, teaching, learning, art, activism, etc.
  • Celebrate: The members of a Minimark celebrate their achievements and milestones with each other, such as birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, festivals, etc.

Why should you join Minimarxism?

Minimarxism is not for everyone. It requires a lot of commitment, sacrifice, and trust. It also challenges a lot of norms and expectations that we have grown up with. However, if you are willing to give it a try, you might find that Minimarxism offers a lot of benefits for you and the world. Here are some of them:

  • Save money: By living with less and sharing more, you can save a lot of money that you would otherwise spend on buying and maintaining things that you don’t need or use. You can also avoid debt and interest that come with consumerism and capitalism.
  • Save time: By living with less and sharing more, you can save a lot of time that you would otherwise spend on shopping, cleaning, organizing, repairing, and disposing things that you don’t need or use. You can also avoid stress and hassle that come with clutter and chaos.
  • Save space: By living with less and sharing more, you can save a lot of space that you would otherwise occupy with things that you don’t need or use. You can also avoid crowding and pollution that come with overpopulation and overconsumption.
  • Save energy: By living with less and sharing more, you can save a lot of energy that you would otherwise consume or waste on things that you don’t need or use. You can also avoid emissions and climate change that come with fossil fuels and greenhouse gases.
  • Improve health: By living with less and sharing more, you can improve your physical and mental health by reducing your exposure to toxins, allergens, germs, noise, and stress that come with things that you don’t need or use. You can also increase your activity, creativity, happiness, and well-being by engaging in meaningful and enjoyable pursuits that come with Minimarxism.
  • Improve relationships: By living with less and sharing more, you can improve your social and emotional relationships by increasing your interaction, communication, cooperation, and support with your fellow Minimarxists. You can also avoid conflict, competition, and isolation that come with individualism and capitalism.
  • Improve society: By living with less and sharing more, you can improve your political and economic society by promoting equality, justice, and democracy for all. You can also avoid inequality, exploitation, and oppression that come with classism and authoritarianism.

How to start Minimarxism?

If you are interested in Minimarxism, you might be wondering how to start. Here are some steps that you can take to begin your journey:

  • Educate yourself: Learn more about Minimarxism by following our blog, where we will post more content that explains the philosophy and practice of Minimarxism. You can also subscribe to our newsletter, where we will send you updates and tips on Minimarxism. Stay tuned for more information about this revolutionary idea!
  • Evaluate yourself: Assess your current situation and lifestyle by taking an inventory of your possessions, needs, wants, values, goals, etc. You can also take a quiz or a test that measures your level of Minimarxism.
  • Experiment yourself: Try out some aspects of Minimarxism by doing some challenges or exercises that help you live with less and share more. You can also join some events or activities that introduce you to Minimarxism.
  • Engage yourself: Commit to Minimarxism by joining or forming a Minimark with people who share your vision and values of Minimarxism. You can also participate in some movements or campaigns that advocate for Minimarxism.


Minimarxism is a revolutionary philosophy that combines the best of minimalism and socialism. It is a way of living with less and sharing more, resisting capitalism and embracing communism. It is a way of improving yourself and the world.

If you are ready to join the revolution, then welcome to Minimarxism!

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By Ryan Johnson is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.