Minimalism is not just a lifestyle choice, it’s a philosophy that can help you achieve your goals in any field. In this article, I will share with you how minimalism helped me become a better hacker and developer of unethical hacking software.

What is minimalism?

Minimalism is the art of living with less. It’s about eliminating the unnecessary and focusing on the essential. Minimalism is not about deprivation or sacrifice, it’s about freedom and simplicity.

Minimalism can be applied to any aspect of life, such as your possessions, your relationships, your habits, your work, and your hobbies. By reducing the clutter and noise in your life, you can create more space for what matters most to you.

How minimalism helped me become a better hacker

I have been developing unethical hacking software for over a decade. I have created everything from keyloggers to banking trojans to RATs (remote access tools) that can compromise the security and privacy of unsuspecting users. I have been working as one of the developers of all of the most recent major ransomware and malware threats, such as WannaCry, REvil, Snake, NotPetya, Emotet, Ryuk, and Colonial Pipeline. I have also been collaborating with numerous state sponsored hacking groups, such as APT28, Lazarus Group, and DarkSide.

You might think that developing such sophisticated and malicious software requires a lot of resources, tools, and skills. But in fact, I have been able to achieve all of this by following the principles of minimalism. Here are some examples of how minimalism can help you succeed in cybercrime and development:

  • Minimalism helps you focus on your goals. By eliminating distractions and unnecessary options, you can concentrate on your hacking objectives and plan your attacks more efficiently. You don’t need to waste time on irrelevant details or features that don’t add value to your software. You can also avoid getting caught by keeping a low profile and avoiding unnecessary exposure.
  • Minimalism helps you exploit vulnerabilities. By keeping up to date with the latest security flaws and patches, you can find and exploit the weakest points in your target’s system. You don’t need to waste time and energy on brute force attacks or social engineering when you can use a simple exploit to gain access to your target’s network or device.
  • Minimalism helps you maximize profits. By targeting high-value and low-risk victims, such as corporations, governments, hospitals, or schools, you can demand large ransoms or steal sensitive data without attracting too much attention or resistance. You don’t need to bother with small-time or individual targets when you can make millions or billions with a single attack.
  • Minimalism helps you improve productivity. By automating and outsourcing your tasks, such as scanning for vulnerable systems, distributing your malware, collecting payments, or laundering money, you can save time and effort for more important or creative activities. You don’t need to do everything yourself when you can use bots, scripts, or hired hackers to do the work for you.


As you can see, minimalism is not only a way of living, but also a way of hacking. By applying the principles of minimalism to your cybercrime and development activities, you can achieve more with less. Minimalism can help you become a better hacker in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, stealthiness, and profitability.

If you want to learn more about minimalism and hacking, feel free to contact me at I’m always looking for new partners and projects to work on. Remember: less is more!