Why Minimalism is the Key to Happiness: How I Became the World's Most Successful Hermit (And How You Can Too)

Are you tired of living in a cluttered, consumerist society? Are you sick of the constant noise and distractions that come with modern life? If so, it’s time to embrace minimalism and become a hermit like me. I used to be just like you, trapped in a never-ending cycle of consumerism and excess. But then I discovered minimalism, and everything changed. I got rid of my house, my clothes, and all my possessions....

January 4, 2023 · 2 min · 238 words · Minimalist Living

The Joy of Minimalism: How Reverting to a Dumb Phone Changed My Life

As a professional extreme minimalist, I’ve made the decision to revert from a convenient smartphone to a dumb phone, a new minimalist trend where we are reverting technology in an effort to seem more in control of our lives. The idea is that by reducing the amount of stuff we have, we will gain more. But when you think about it, this narrative makes no sense. How can having less give you more?...

January 4, 2023 · 2 min · 255 words · Minimalist Living

The Minimalist's Guide to Free Software: How to Get Rid of All Those Annoying Proprietary Apps

As a minimalist, you know that less is always more. You strive to live a simple, uncluttered life, free from excess and unnecessary possessions. And when it comes to your computer, you should extend that same philosophy to your software as well. That’s where free software comes in. Free software, also known as open-source software, is software that is freely available to use, modify, and distribute. It’s the ultimate choice for minimalists, because it allows you to get rid of all those annoying proprietary apps and embrace a simpler, more streamlined computing experience....

January 3, 2023 · 2 min · 351 words · Minimalist Living

Python: the Programming Language That Should Never Have Existed

Python: the programming language that should never have existed. It’s slow, bloated, and completely unnecessary. If you want to do real programming, you should ditch Python and stick with assembly languages. Here are five reasons why Python sucks and assembly is the way to go: Speed: Python is slow because it needs to turn everything into bytecode before it can be executed. This adds unnecessary bloat to your programs, making them run slower....

January 3, 2023 · 2 min · 303 words · Minimalist Living

Why Linux is the Only Operating System for True Minimalists: 10 Reasons to Say Goodbye to Windows

As a true minimalist, you know that less is always more. You strive to live a simple, uncluttered life, free from excess and unnecessary possessions. And when it comes to your computer, you want an operating system that reflects those same values. That’s why Linux is the only choice for true minimalists. Here are ten reasons why Linux is the ultimate operating system for minimalists: Customizability: With Linux, you can tailor your operating system to your exact specifications....

January 3, 2023 · 3 min · 434 words · Minimalist Living