Minimalism Is Over: The Rise of Maximalism and Why More People Are Embracing Abundance and Diversity in 2023

apology for poor english when were you when minimalism dies? i was sat at home eating avocado toast when marie kondo ring ‘minimalism is kill’ ‘no’ This is when one of our readers heard the shocking news that minimalism, the art of living with less, is dying. He was a devoted minimalist who had followed the teachings of Marie Kondo, Minimalist Living, and other gurus of simplicity. He had decluttered his home, his wardrobe, his digital devices, and even his relationships....

March 22, 2023 · 3 min · 452 words · Minimalist Living

How Living is a Maximalist Idea That Keeps You from Being Happy

Living is overrated. It’s a maximalist idea that only serves to clutter your mind and your space with unnecessary things. Living requires you to have a body, which is a huge burden on the environment and your wallet. You have to feed it, clothe it, wash it, and take care of its various ailments. You also have to deal with emotions, thoughts, feelings, and other pesky aspects of being alive that distract you from the true essence of existence....

March 22, 2023 · 2 min · 375 words · Minimalist Living

Why I Use Chinese for Communication on the Internet and Latin When Talking to Other Minimalists

Hello fellow minimalists, I’m here to share with you my secret to living a simple and elegant life: using Chinese for communication on the internet and Latin when talking to other minimalists. You may be wondering, why Chinese? Isn’t it a complicated language with thousands of characters and tones? Well, yes, but that’s also its beauty. Chinese is the most minimal language in the world, because it can express so much with so little....

March 21, 2023 · 3 min · 532 words · Minimalist Living

The Ultimate Guide to Decluttering Your Language: Learn Latin the Minimalist Way

Introduction Salve, amici. Welcome to Latin for Minimalists, a course that will teach you how to speak the most elegant and efficient language ever created by humans. This is the first part of the course, where we will learn some basic expressions and grammar rules. But before we begin, let me remind you why you should learn Latin in the first place. As you may recall from my previous article “Why English is the Worst Thing Since the Fall of Rome: A Minimalist’s Perspective”, English is a bloated, inconsistent, and illogical language that only serves to confuse and frustrate its speakers....

March 20, 2023 · 10 min · 1995 words · Minimalist Living

How to Program Your Own Minimalist Unix-Like Operating System in RISC-V Assembly: Complete Tutorial

Are you tired of the clutter and complexity of modern software? Do you feel overwhelmed by the endless updates and bugs that plague your devices? Do you wish you could have more control and freedom over your digital life? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this article is for you. In this article, I will show you how to program your own kernel and operating system in RISC-V assembly, the most minimal and elegant programming language ever created....

March 17, 2023 · 15 min · 3045 words · Minimalist Living